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New England Research Cloud

Sponsored Funding Awarded by MassTech Collaborative

April 23, 2021

The Innovation Institute at the MassTech Collaborative (MTC) awarded $875,000 in February 2020 to sponsor NERC’s pilot activities. Click here for more information.

Overview: The vision of the New England Research Cloud (NERC) is to build a cohesive, sustainable partnership between research clusters and technology professionals with a common cloud framework that is tailored for data-driven discovery and available to many institutions in New England.

These funds will support a pilot program and the development of the hardware and software that allows the pilot to

(i) establish new cloud architecture for data-driven research across a wide array of subjects, including data science, physical science, life sciences, social sciences, earth sciences, and public health & medicine; and that

(ii) will provide training for the newest cohorts of researchers entering the workforce to advance the technology frontier in these fields. 

Making user-created platforms more widely available will increases collaboration and provide new tools for communities to use far beyond the host institution. Overall, these tools, services, and consultations with facilitators will enable research efficiency, increased innovation, and competitiveness at research institutions and firms around the Commonwealth.

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