Upcoming NERC OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) & ColdFront service maintenance and upgrade [August 5, 2024 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET])
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New England Research Cloud


March 27, 2024
Expanding our GPU Offerings

We are delighted to announce that we have recently expanding our GPU offerings by adding more NVIDIA A100 SXM4 40GB GPUs to both our NERC OpenStack and NERC OpenShift infrastructure […]

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February 2, 2024
2024 MOC Alliance Workshop

We are very excited to announce that our annual workshop will be taking place February 28 and 29, 2024 at the Boston University George Sherman Union!

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April 23, 2021
Sponsored Funding Awarded by MassTech Collaborative

The Innovation Institute at the MassTech Collaborative (MTC) awarded $875,000 in February 2020 to sponsor NERC’s pilot activities. Click here for more information.

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February 1, 2020

We have different academic collaborations and Industry Partners along with the great support from different sponsors as listed here.

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