Upcoming NERC OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) & ColdFront service maintenance and upgrade [August 5, 2024 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET])
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New England Research Cloud

Acknowledging NERC

NERC encourages authors to acknowledge the use of its facilitation and cloud computing resources in research publications and presentations. This recognition is vital for ensuring the impact, validity, and reproducibility of the research. 
Let us know if you've utilized NERC resources in any published paper or presentation.

Please send the paper title, journal or conference name, and date to help@nerc.mghpcc.org or submit a ticket.

You can refer to this example when acknowledging NERC:
The authors are pleased to acknowledge that the computational work reported on in this paper was performed on the shared computing cluster which is administered by New England Research Cloud (NERC). URL: https://nerc.mghpcc.org